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Hand-Peeled Posts

We can supply hand-peeled or freshly-cut unpeeled logs, posts, and rails. We use real drawknives for an authentic look, and our peelers' arms show it. (Never arm-wrestle a peeler.)


Prices for hand-peeled, undelivered Ponderosa Pine posts and rails

Prices for hand-peeled, undelivered Eastern Redcedar

Volume discounts on orders over $500. Delivery quotes available on request. For other dimensions and other species, including Aspen and Birch, call or email for a price quote. If you are interested in unpeeled posts, please call or email us for a price quote.


Freshly-peeled Eastern Redcedar hand-peeled post (rails). Redcedar is very good for areas where rot is a concern. Local ranches are still using cedar hand-peeled posts which were set in the ground 100 years ago.

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